Sunday, September 8, 2024

Christian Gnosticism and Modern Ideologies; a Natural Progression, Part 2

From Neo-Gnosticism to Gender Ideology (Part 2)

If you haven't read part 1, you will have missed some important context for this somewhat longer treatment. This two-part blog series is directed towards Christians in order to show the philosophical underpinnings of many of the existing ideologies in our current society, how they have infiltrated the church (in part 1), and how they are intrinsically different from the normative Christian worldview.

Gnostic thinking has been a part of our Western Worldview for some time now, but it is evolving in American society. This has progressed into what philosophers are now calling "neo-gnosticism." It contains the same dualism of gnosticism, only re-packaged. The spirit has been replaced by the "consciousness," and what is human is entirely contained within the consciousness. And thus, the same hierarchy exists as in previous iterations of gnosticism: a devaluation of the body, and the prioritization of the consciousness. The body is simply material, or perhaps even something purely animal.

In part 1, we have mostly discussed how gnosticism attaches to a moral system--namely Christianity--and distorts it. We talked about the resulting behaviors. We compared this distorted gnostic Christian outlook to what a normative Christian worldview should be. Neo-gnosticism has been attached to our post-modern relativism and individualism, and is inconsistent in its moral logic, because it has only a hodgepodge grouping of moral ideas. And it has become the basis for all kinds of ideologies we now deal with.

Again, much like the gnostics, we see this familiar devaluation of the physical: my body is merely a meat-sack which houses my human essence. It amounts to the idea that what one does with or to the body doesn't really matter, since there is no real moral basis for taking care of it other than for the pure use of it. It is merely physical material, after all. Human acts are reduced to carnal impulses of a physical brain, compared to and even equated to animal impulses. And since there is no external moral system to borrow from, one can then only go inward to look for identity. This creates a sort of hyper-individualism, and the result is the assumption that what one does to the body does not--and should not--affect anyone else but the individual

Neo-gnosticism also distorts something good here, namely, individualism. A healthy dose of individualism helps us to understand the importance of personal responsibility. It also helps us build a free society, because we have rights to protect the individual. Individualism is also a Biblical concept. The kingdom of God is a communal identity with an individual invitation. You are not saved because your father or mother is saved, though some may debate this scripturally. The main point is, you must believe for yourself. In the end, God evaluates the heart of every individual, not just the collective. You are responsible for your own life and for your own actions. 

Of course, what we do to our bodies affect us individually. And what happens to my body affects me more than anyone else, because I have to live with this body. But a distinction must be made which is not entirely acknowledged by this framework--and we all instinctively know this--what happens to our own bodies deeply affects our consciousness.

And the idea that what I do with my body affects only me is false; what happens to our bodies affects those around us--especially those who love us. One does not need to have a Christian worldview to understand this. This is the nature of love: we share in each others' experiences and suffering. This is a natural result of being human because we are communal beings. We are by nature interdependent, and that is an essential aspect of our survival. We are even connected to people through time: through ancestry, reproduction, stories, and experiences--a connection with people from the past and into the future. If you exist, this applies to you and you can't avoid it. And, for a more direct connection, quite literally what happens to a pregnant woman's body directly affects the life growing inside of her (I won't delve into this because it is self-evident). But this hyper-individualism can cause us to forget how interconnected we really are.

All that to say, what you do--and doing inherently involves some action of the body--has a ripple effect through all your relationships, attachments, society, and even through time. And while you definitely should have autonomy over your own body, and others should respect your personal freedom to make decisions you feel are best for you, the idea that what you do to your body affects only you is a delusion full of ideological contradictions.

This devaluation of the body can be seen in the way neo-gnostics deal with the human fetus: before it takes human shape, it is merely a clump of material--a clump of cells, with no value. Even the potential for sentience isn't valued, only sentience itself (or consciousness). In this (cut short) debate between Ben Shapiro and Tashika, you can see that Tashika's ideology is entirely gnostic: she states clearly that she only places moral value on human life insomuch as it is perceived to have sentience. This is the typical view of the neo-gnostic. While Ben argues for the "life" of the fetus, she argues for the "sentience" of the fetus. The neo-gnostic then sees abortion as morally justifiable before a certain point in the fetal development.

As we discussed in part 1, Jewish thinking--and consequently Christian thinking--has always seen both the body and soul as two sides of the same coin; one cannot exist without the other. The two parts make a whole person. The life of the body, therefore has high value. This also means the life of the fetus also has a high value. And therefore it becomes excessively ironic for a sentient being--one which relies entirely on a physical body to experience sentience--to place little value on the life of the physical body.

This hyper-individualistic mentality is particularly emphasized in the area of sex, sexual identity, sexual preferences, reproduction, and other results of sex. Sex in particular, and the behaviors motivated by it--what our society now insists are the most intensely individual--is quite literally the most communal aspect of our being. Of course it's deeply personal, but two things can be true at the same time: it's deeply personal and entirely relational, because sex involves other people. Even watching others have sex on a screen involves others. Otherwise you're just alone with your thoughts masturbating (which isn't sex). And it's a direct result of sex that any of us even exist in this current generation of the human race (with a few exceptions). Sex is an act which deeply impacts the individual, promotes intimacy between people, and has the potential to literally create a new human being, ensuring the future of the human race; it is both a personal and communal aspect of our humanity.

Another idea emerging from gnosticism is transhumanism--the idea that the consciousness can actually be separated from the body, and that we will eventually evolve to transfer our consciousness into a largely digital existence. This takes the devaluation of the body to the most extreme. We can only see this played out in fiction, where a person's consciousness is somehow copied and transferred to a robotic body, or even into virtual reality. It questions our very concept of what it means to be human. Can a person's consciousness truly be transferred into a mechanical or even virtual vessel? Or is that person now dead, and the copy is only a copy? Will this be the extinction of mankind, or the continuation of it? I must admit, this idea is highly fascinating to me. I have contemplated it often, and I even enjoy the thought experiments that writers and movie makers incite by their creative story-telling of these futuristic scenarios. But as interesting and philosophically challenging as this is--and even as smart as it sounds--it is still entirely science-fiction. It relies on an understanding of the consciousness which doesn't yet exist (Scientists are apparently not even close), and it depends on a futuristic technology which also doesn't exist. 

For a Christian, the realization of transhumanism means the extinction of the human race; once the body is unable to house the consciousness, this is the end of the person's physical life. And even after death, we still believe that something of the body remains in the eternal realm. The physical body can be sick, disfigured, ugly, or dysfunctional, and we can feel all kinds of ways about whether we like it or not, or even feel uncomfortable with it, but it is still a part of our whole being. It is, after all, the only means our consciousness can interact with the world.

We are seeing the gradual move towards a completely disconnected and disembodied collective psyche which has largely accepted transhumanism as the next eventuality. If humans can now be disconnected even from their own biology, then sexuality has no real meaning. If sexuality has no real meaning, then gender also has no real bearing. And if sexuality and gender aren't important, then family structures also have no value. And since family structures are now dismembered, marriage is also of no value. This plays out in modern dating culture, which is now highly confused in its purpose, almost entirely carnal, and designed to destroy the development of real intimacy and long-term devotion. Human instinct, nature, and biology are being dismissed in favor of a new disembodied way of life where people are starved of their own human needs. This is what Christian gnosticism already set the stage for when its adherents devalued all of these things for different reasons. 

We still have natural, built-in human needs for functioning and thriving. And the more we attempt to disconnect ourselves from these basic human instincts, the weaker we become as a society. 

Neo-gnosticism is also the basis for how our culture now deals with self-identity. If what is human comes solely from within the consciousness, one must then reach within oneself to find the answers. One's identity is something only the individual can define for oneself (hyper-individualism). Of course, to have a free society, the individual must be involved in understanding one's own identity, and others cannot be the dictators of that identification. However, to not allow others (namely parents, family, friends, mentors, etc.) to contribute to that identity defies our very human nature. And to claim that this identity has not been influenced by others is to lie. I would even argue that the emphasis on self-identity comes from a weak sense of identity, and is usually an attempt at belonging; we use all the external labels in order to identify ourselves with a certain group of people. At it's very worst, it's an attempt to feel "special" or more valuable by setting yourself apart from others (again, the temptation of the gnostic who has no grounding framework for the intrinsic value of life).

One problem is, the lack of accountability in our self-identification creates mental fragility. One must choose a static label and everyone around you must uphold this static label. A simple question can threaten your very identity, and this makes you feel completely unstable and highly offended. This is a sign of mental weakness. It's the same framework for cult behavior, and the basis for toxic tribalism. It's also the perfect environment to enable and nurture narcissism.

You can begin to see the unstable wood block tower of logic that is building. When one's identity can only come from within--and everyone MUST affirm this identity to be considered respectful--then everyone must now accommodate the individual instead of the individual learning how to function within the general rules of society. Human society begins to break down. 

To truly value one's self, one must have a high view of the value of the physical body. And to truly value others, one must value oneself. This is the healthiest state to be in, to nurture relationships, marriage, and family. This is what sums up the law of the Bible: Loving God, and loving others as you love yourself.

The Christian's identity is also not wholly determined by factors like sexuality or body image. These are merely part of who we are. The Christian identity comes from God and being part of a greater world-wide family. It does not come exclusively from inside oneself, though the self plays a major role in its realization. In order to truly know one's self, one must know their creator in whose image they are made. And part of how we understand God comes from how we understand those around us. Therefore the body isn't merely there to express one's identity, like clothing, but rather it is a living part of the whole being. It is the living vessel through which we experience the world. It is sacred and invaluable, and apart from it, we cannot live physical life. Therefore it deserves care, love, and protection.

So, for example, with transgenderism, while neo-gnostics would say that changing one's gender is the realization of who you are inside, the Christian would say that changing your physical gender is actually a rejection of who you are, since the body is considered part of the whole. It is seen as an extreme form of self-hate to the point of bodily mutilation. This is considered damaging not only to the health of the body, but also to the health of the mind.

Christians should even have a limit in regards to body "enhancements," like plastic surgery, for example. Where the line should be drawn for enhancing one's appearance or performance, is somewhat unclear, leaving room for interpretation, and somewhat depends on societal norms.; Biblically, there's some flexibility there. While it is not Biblically wrong to enhance the appearance or performance of the body, too much of this is ultimately seen as vanity. Appearing as the opposite gender is seen as either a deception or an extreme form of vanity and ultimately wrong. But what is clear is that forms of self-mutilation--which ultimately damage the body--are definitely not encouraged. What is encouraged is the value of self, and even the love of the self. This true self-love has its own way of preventing us from going too far in seeking out body modifications in general. This self-love is only possible, however, when one is able to first accept the love of God.

More importantly, our appearances, our sexuality, our gender, or even our race are not sources of identity, though they might help us identify part of our role in society. Even then, roles can be bent and sometimes even broken when we see that people do not fit the boxes our society has made for them. If anything, in the kingdom of God, definitions of roles then become somewhat ambiguous, with room for interpretation, rather than narrow and limiting society-defined labels. We don't always see this in Christian communities which often suffer from gnostic, static, and tribalistic thinking (just like any group of humans anywhere). But true Christian thinking allows a woman to have a range of expressions; she can be more masculine without needing to label herself as a man for the sake of communicating her role in society. It also doesn't necessitate that she must be attracted to other women. A man can be more feminine without defining himself as a woman, and he can still be attracted to women. This is because whatever gender we are isn't the most important thing about us. We are more than our bodies or what our consciousness dictates about ourselves. We are whole complex beings, who are worthy of love and care. There is actually more freedom, rather than less, in the Christian identity. Despite how we see it played out in the world, and even in church, in the kingdom of God, there is equality in the value of every human being, regardless of gender, race, or class.

Our core Christian identity is rooted in belonging. We belong to our Father, and we are made in his image; we share his qualities. Everything else is built on that essential identification. This is part of what give us the "peace that surpasses all understanding;" because we know who we are, and have confidence in this.

Gnostic Christians already devalue and reject their bodies, so they will not be able to argue with neo-gnostics, at least not to much avail. To both the Gnostic Christian and the Neo-gnostic, the body only has as much value as its "usefulness." The body is either something to be rejected, or something to be flaunted. Both these may even see the body as disposable when it outlives its use. When in conversations with neo-gnostics, gnostic Christians who don't understand the value of the body will only be able to appeal to the salvation of the soul. But the soul doesn't exist in the mind of a neo-gnostic, so this appeal will not land. The two will relate on one level, and yet be unable to communicate about their differences, because, well... they stand on the same foundation. In the end, the gnostic Christian's final appeal will be, "Your way is evil because God says so." That's not enough reason for the neo-gnostic, because to most of them, God doesn't exist, and therefore what God defines as evil has no bearing on their life. And if he does happen to exist, why would he make such arbitrary rules? This makes him out to be simply controlling, offensive and disagreeable with no rhyme or reason; the ultimate killjoy and not worth our devotion. 

As the gnostic Christian continues to discourse with a neo-gnostic, their version of God will be revealed for what it is--a controlling narcissistic overlord who requires his followers to live in constant denial and self devaluation in order to become something acceptable for heaven, despite the fact that God himself made us. What a criminal, cruel, and disgusting vision of the omnipotent creator. No one truly wants to serve that version of God, and no one should, because it doesn't exist. I could never worship that version of God. Neo-gnostics at least see this for what it is, and reject it. To their credit, they are rejecting the lie already, which gnostic Christians are blinded to.

The God I serve is love himself. He showed it with the purest act of self-sacrifice. And there is no better definition of love--the character of God--than that of the Christian worldview.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. (John 3:16-17 NIV)


If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no account of wrongs. Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.

(1 Corinthians 13 NIV)


Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

Christian Gnosticism and Modern Ideologies; a Natural Progression, Part 1

Part 1 - Two Destructive Aspects of Gnosticism

Gnosticism has been baked into our society, and consequently has seeped into our churches. It's a philosophical ideology that originated with the Greeks, not the Bible. And much of their philosophies have become part of the basis for how Western society thinks today. (some of you know how often I have taught about gnosticism in Jerusalem... this is yet another iteration...)

Gnosticism has a way of distorting good things. There are two specific points from Gnosticism that I want to talk about. First is the idea of salvation through knowledge, and the second is the separation of spiritual and physical. I will first explain these two aspects so that I can explain how these ideas--which were embraced by the church--led us towards what philosophers are now calling neo-gnosticism, the basis for many other ideologies we are dealing with in society today. My goal is to help Christians understand the fundamental differences between their faith and these ideologies. I think many of us know our worldview is incompatible with them, but we don't fully know why. For many Christians, our best answer is, "it's wrong because God says so," which makes God out to be a killjoy for no reason, and doesn't help address the arguments and doubts that we ourselves have. 

First we have to root out some false yet ubiquitous teachings within our own camp to understand why these new ideologies are incompatible with our faith (because they certainly are compatible with the false gnostic distortions many of us have unknowingly adopted). This will be a bit of a longer treatment, so get that kettle started...

The first point from gnosticism is the idea of salvation through knowledge. Here we have a good thing, which is knowledge, yet with a distorted twist; a promise that it can do more than it can do. How many times have you had the knowledge to do the right thing and still not done it? Knowledge might save you some time, some effort, some confusion... It might save you in a lot of small and even big ways, but that's only if you have the wisdom to apply it. What it certainly cannot do is save your soul. 

By all rights, a normative Christian worldview should hold the pursuit of knowledge in high esteem. Anyone who reads our psalms should know this. But again, we should also know that knowledge is not the basis for the salvation of our souls. Only Jesus saves. And while knowledge is a high value, it still does not rank among the top 3 most important values on our list. Our top three are faith, hope, and love  "But the greatest of these is love." (1 Cor 13:13)

This idea of salvation through knowledge has infiltrated the church in a big way. It may not be outright spoken, but there are often undertones and implications of this in sermons and discussions. The Christian gnostic thinker will say "amen," to the statement that knowledge does not save you. You might know in your head that salvation doesn't come through knowledge, but still intrinsically believe this. You might still believe that if we could just know the right things, then we would be truly saved. The best way to figure out if you believe this idea is to see it play out in your logic, actions, and behavior. 

Here are some signs of someone who believes in salvation through knowledge... Does most of your Bible study and prayer time involve seeking out special knowledge? Do you mostly follow obscure teachings that you feel, "if only Christians knew about this, they would be true followers of God." Does your church community believe that you aren't even a true believer or follower of Christ unless you believe the specific teachings from your church--teachings about something other than Christ as the son of God dying on the cross to take away the sins of the world? These are things like specific denominational differences, apocalyptic end-times scenarios, specific fasting schedules, following particular holiday rituals, ancient findings which uncover the "true" meaning of scripture which contradicts all of church history's beliefs for 100s of years, specific regiments of how to be holy, and more... Do you feel that the death and resurrection of Jesus is part of the "basics," which you rarely revisit, and in order to become a mature Christian, you need to move on to other, more spiritual concepts of faith? Do you feel that because people don't know about the specific things you know about, that they are totally deceived by Satan, and will not enter into heaven?

Another sign of the belief in this tenet, which also applies to non-Christians, is when you look at the problems of the world, and your first solution is education. And, to be fair, this is a solution to many problems. If only people knew what they were doing, knew the right information, they wouldn't do what they're doing. And this can be true. But the part that I find entirely naïve is the idea that education will automatically improve a person's character. As if our only problems are that of ignorance, and humans are intrinsically good. My experience of the world, and even from the "most educated" has been that some people are simply so full of hate and pain, they know exactly what they are doing, and they do it on purpose. There are people out there who enjoy inflicting pain, and they have had all the material provision and education they've ever needed in life. Sometimes that knowledge makes them smarter and better at inflicting such pain. The only thing I know which has the power to improve someone's character is love. Knowledge has no such power.

But back to gnostic Christians... 

If the gospel--specifically who Jesus is and what he did for you on the cross--is not the central focus and theme of your faith, you are off center. The gospel is not just the basis, it is the entirety. It is the lens through which we should be filtering all other concepts. But gnosticism feels that knowledge is really where it's at. And special knowledge is REALLY where it's at. Everyone wants to feel special, and if you have that special knowledge, then you're in the secret club of special people--the few who know and are saved by that knowledge. This is why Christians throughout history were susceptible to so many cults which claim to have an edge on salvation through "special revelation." It makes you feel that you are part of the chosen ones. It's an exhilarating and exciting feeling to be one of the few. It's the same hubris as the educated: scholars are always tempted to regard themselves as better or more valuable than others; "the elect" so to speak. This is what makes special knowledge attractive. You've got an edge. You're on the inside. You have more value than others. It's a need born out of a lack of a sense of belonging; an insecure attempt to earn love or feel valuable. It's how the world evaluates us, and that can be hard to shake.

But God evaluates us differently. The Bible teaches us that God already chose you from the beginning of time. Jesus literally died for you. You are already in. You are already loved. You already have a place where you truly belong. This is the core message of Christ's death on the cross--the core message of the gospel. You are intensely loved and worth dying for. Can you accept that at face value? Because, after that, there's nothing left for you to prove. You are already in His kingdom, not because you loved him, but because he loved you first. And nothing that you did earned you this love. You simply are loved. 

The Bible teaches us that God doesn't play favorites, and that he gave his life for the love of the whole world. Each individual is special and valuable to God. Scripture after scripture paints for us the picture of his deep, personal, and unconditional love for each individual person, but no one is more valuable or better than their neighbor. This one is hard for people. We cling to these things so tightly. All that special knowledge you have will not buy you a ticket into heaven. It will not make you more valuable than the next person. It will not earn you true love. Your knowledge can only enhance your life and even the lives of others if you put it to good use. God will even reward you for your knowledge, and esteem your pursuit of it. But his love does not increase or decrease. And he already accepted you before you knew the right things. Thank God he does not require you to know the right things before he accepts you as his son or daughter. Only what Jesus did on the cross is what gets you into heaven, and it's already done and finished. Nothing you do will buy you that ticket. The ticket has already been bought for you, paid for with Jesus' life. Gnosticism tempts the Christian to replace the cross with knowledge.

The irony here is that I'm trying to give you knowledge to help you get back to center. But this knowledge doesn't save you, it merely strengthens you against false Christian teaching (hopefully).

The second tenet of gnosticism which is very relevant to us today is the separation of spiritual and physical, as if your spirit is only tethered to the body, and when you die, it peels entirely away. We have seen this depicted in movies over and over. This is also where we get the dichotomy of sacred vs. secular. And according to gnosticism, this also means that the physical world is evil, and the spiritual world is good. When this idea is applied to Christianity, you get a major distortion of the gospel. It begins to present logical problems, like, if the physical world is evil, then was Jesus evil? And if he can't be evil, than was he even human? Did he even truly die for our sins? (that idea is an old heresy called Arianism, which is still often believed today). Another logical conclusion might be that there is some sort of hierarchy within the trinity; that Jesus is lesser than God, since he had an evil body, which he overcame through his divine will. There are all kinds of other logical and theological problems which emerge from this thinking. 

But this was never a Biblical teaching. Jewish thinking has always considered the spirit and the body to be inseparable parts of one whole being, like two sides of the same coin. You are both a spirit and a body, and your body is not evil. Scripture might tell us that we are born with an "evil nature," but this is not an indictment on the entire physical world. Furthermore, as believers, we are dead to that nature, and risen in Christ. Your body is just as much a part of you as your spirit. Your body has intrinsic value. Christian thinking is built on this. Christian thinking even tells us that something of your physical body remains in the afterlife. Jesus kept his wounds. Paul describes death like that of a seed being planted: something of the seed dies, but not all of it. The seed simply grows into a great tree. So something of the physical body lives on in a mysterious way. Not only that, what happens to our bodies directly affects our spirit and vice versa. We all know this instinctively. Our bodies are the means by which we can engage in the world, and we should value, guard, and protect them even from ourselves.

When we see this gnostic duality of physical and spiritual playing out in Christians, two extreme behaviors emerge and a range of things in between. The two extremes are Asceticism, and Hedonism (license to sin, or pleasure-seeking). Ascetics were originally the "beat-your-body monks," who tortured themselves on the outside so as to gain a higher level of holiness on the inside; because the outside was evil and deserving of suffering, and only existed to serve as a vessel for the redeemed soul. Like our body is merely a meat-sack. Here again, gnosticism takes healthy self-discipline and distorts it to an unhealthy level of self-destruction. Then on the other side of the spectrum, you have those who give up and give in. Though true Hedonists of their day believed in moderation, we understand this word hedonism today as constant pleasure-seeking. And the gnostics here believe that since the body is evil, there's nothing you can do about it so you might as well enjoy all the pleasures indulgently. And there's nothing you need to do because Jesus already redeemed your soul. It then doesn't matter what you do with or to your body. Here, gnosticism is taking healthy enjoyment of pleasures and distorting it into an unhealthy level of destructive gluttony and licentiousness. Both distorted extremes live in a sort of disembodied state of mind.

Today, most gnostic Christians don't go so far as to literally beat themselves. And they certainly know that we shouldn't be indulging so licentiously. But they certainly find all kinds of ways to live self-destructive lives. And they still live out a distorted version of Christianity, with a distorted view of who God is. They struggle with the balance between the physical and the spiritual. Physical pleasures are seen at best as lesser or lower things, and at worst as evil things. Only spiritual things like prayer, reading the Bible, being in church, serving the church, and doing righteous acts are worthy of our time. Many of them often think, "what I want is intrinsically opposed to what God wants." unless it is of a spiritual or righteous nature. And thus, most desire is vilified or suppressed. 

Sexual desire--because it can be so incredibly intense (thank God)--is especially suppressed. And this gnostic thinking often distorts relationships and marriage. People will turn what could be something beautiful into sterilized contracts devoid of feeling, the choice made in the spirit of obligation. I know people who chose their spouse specifically because they had no sexual desire for the person, and this is because they didn't want their spouse to be a distraction to their ministry! What a destructive basis for marriage! What a gnostic distortion of a good thing! This certainly isn't God's design for marriage. When we look at the narrative of the Bible, God has always brought about his promises through love and desire. At best, for lesser extreme gnostics, if there is love in the marriage, these Christians can still tend to go long bouts without sex, sometimes abstaining from it for "spiritual" reasons, and when they do allow for it, they have boring sex because they are afraid of the intensity of their desire. (Of course boring sex happens to all of us, and there are a plethora of reasons for it, so do not take on condemnation here, but this is one result of gnosticism.)

The desire for food is often denied as well. Gnostic Christians thrive on long fasting regiments. I'm not saying all people who fast are gnostic. I'm also NOT saying fasting is wrong. But Gnostics feel that this makes them more spiritual, that it has earned them something, or makes them somehow more spiritually powerful. None of this is Biblical. There's much more to be said here, but I'll simply say when someone is always fasting, making it known, and can never feast with others, this is probably a sign of a gnostic Christian. (If you feel called to be a monk living in seclusion, I am not talking about you. That is something else entirely).

Among the more extreme gnostic Christians, they can barely have a normal conversation because they have to keep the topic on spiritual things. They can't live normal lives because they have to spend all their time in prayer. And when they do indulge in physical pleasures, it also must be for a spiritual reason, or they must somehow spiritualize it. They find all kinds of "spiritual" ways to justify the behavior of their physical bodies. Even joy is redefined. Happiness is an especially vain pursuit; it is shallow and fleeting, whereas joy is apparently defined as some deep and lasting sorrow, which is accompanied by some spiritual comfort. And death is the only real escape from this evil world. Gnostics long for death to save them, but, of course, suicide is a sin... 

Every indulgence in physical pleasure can make a gnostic Christian feel guilty, and so often you will see them mask their constant guilt for existing with pious over-spiritualizing, and this comes across as self-righteous. This can really make a person seem very "holy." It's difficult to relax and let loose around these people. One is tempted to compare and even feel intimidated. And sometimes they really make you feel like you're not good enough with their disapproval of your way of life. They struggle to make friends because no one is "good enough," for them unless they too have a life of regimented spiritual self-destruction--I mean--"discipline." And they quickly "lose respect" for those who fail to constantly exercise these spiritual behaviors as often or as rigorously as they do. (Guys, this is a recipe for spiritual codependency...)

So, we see that a gnostic Christian projects these standards onto others. Again, no one who does not constantly fixate on purely spiritual endeavors is good enough. This is to the detriment of relationships and families. The relationally destructive behaviors include but are not limited to: seeing spouses and even children as merely distractions to ministry (even though their families ARE their first ministry), not being able to relax and enjoy simple pleasures with their families; devaluing family bonding time because it's not spiritual enough; monopolizing family time with only spiritual topics or too many church events; serving the church or the ministry at the expense of the family; not taking care of personal physical needs in favor of the spiritual things; burning out on self-denial, thus becoming emotionally unavailable; not meeting the physical needs of others because they are not important; not acknowledging or appreciating the physical accomplishments of others... or if they do, it's still a sort of lesser kind of appreciation. 

Close friends and family often get pushed into three behaviors around these people: 1) constantly feeling like they are not good enough and give up, often even rejecting the faith, 2) striving to develop the same kind of gnostic spirituality, or 3) developing a codependency on these "more spiritual" gnostic Christians. Codependency is quite damaging because now their faith hangs on the success or failure of the "more spiritual" person, which is the absolute wrong foundation of faith. Because, what happens when they inevitably fail? Our faith should rest on Jesus and what he did for us on the cross, not on the moral success or failure of any human being. I could write much more on these 3 things, because I have experienced all of them at different stages of my faith.

God does not call us to an endless denial of physical needs. For every physical need, God has provided a healthy, enjoyable, and even pleasurable way for us to fulfill it. And every sin is simply a legitimate need fulfilled in an unhealthy way. God "delights in the well-being of his servants." In the Christian journey, God wants us to have good times, to enjoy earthly pleasures, to kick back and relax. He does want us to pray, because he wants us to spend time with him. He wants us to read our Bibles so our faith is strengthened, and he wants us to gather with other Christians so we can encourage and build each other up. He wants all these things for us because he loves us and wants us to thrive. He doesn't want us killing ourselves to make ourselves into something "acceptable" to him. He has already accepted us as we are. And as we spend time with him, he is the one who does the work of transforming us into happier, healthier, more peaceful and righteous people, full of love, and with a sound mind. For him, it really is more about having a relationship than it is about us trying desperately to be a good boy or girl.

The irony is that the practice of constant self-denial actually leads us into sin. Suppression has a horrible way of creating internal pressure, which builds up. When it finally is allowed to release, the result can be much more serious and damaging than we ever thought was possible. When we dismiss all of our real, God-given physical needs, we become worn-out, tired, weak, and most susceptible to temptation. We burn out. And burn-out is an extremely vulnerable and dangerous place to be. Being in this state for long enough usually leads to huge moral failure. If we don't let the stream of desire flow in normal, healthy, God-given pleasurable ways, it will cut a new path, where we don't want it to go; where it's not supposed to go... Eventually we look back and wonder where it all went wrong. We watch ourselves unravel and cause so much destruction as if someone else is calling the shots. This is one major way so many big-wig ministers fail. They finally reach the end of their willpower. And all this destruction that results isn't what we really want in our heart of hearts, and yet, we are doing it, and it can feel impossible to stop it...

When scripture says God is strong in our weakness, it is the tendency of the gnostic to assume it means we should seek to live in weakness, or to revel in our weakness, or even celebrate our weakness. No! When God says he is strong in our weakness, he means that when we reach the limits of our own strength, which we've cultivated and cared for, he can go even further. Nothing is impossible with God. This should be an encouragement and an inspiration to reach our potential, not a mandate to make ourselves weak, to live in pitiful self-denial and misery. It also means, where we would normally fail because of our weaknesses (and we all have weaknesses), God can overcome. Gnostic Christians will struggle to reach their full potential, because they can't allow themselves to be themselves. This is because they see their own needs and desires as evil, or at least as opposed to God. They aren't capable of properly caring for themselves, and therefore they don't have the capacity to truly care for others. And their children watch them suppress their every desire, so what will their reaction be to avoid that?

It can be true; your desires might manifest in a way that would be clearly wrong to indulge in, and definitely in opposition to God. Let's take a less serious example like food: you might prefer to eat junk food over something your body actually needs. And if you cultivate a habit of denying your body the nutrients it needs, you'll come to hate what's healthy. You'll also see an overall decline in your health over time. In this case you need to exercise some healthy self-discipline to fix that. But ultimately what you want is health, is it not? Your body needs nutrients. That distorted desire is appearing because of a legitimate need in your life. If you keep denying yourself all the right ways to fulfill that need, you'll end up seeking out the wrong ways. This will ultimately harm you and others who love you. This is an argument for self-discipline, but in a way that helps redirect your physical desires, not deny or suppress them. The same goes for spiritual things. But the metaphor breaks down quickly when we get into more serious sins, because while it's not a sin to eat the occasional brownie, cheating on your spouse is never an acceptable indulgence.

Gnostics will also struggle to have a normal relationship with Jesus. Following Jesus means living a life doing things I don't want to do, because clearly if my flesh is evil, then that means my desires are also evil, so I must do the opposite of what I want... Honestly, this is such a perversion of the truth. Jesus is the object of our desires. He is also the source of our delight. And when we have him in the center of our lives, the pleasures of the physical world become immensely more enjoyable--even, dare I say it, SEX! 

Jesus isn't gnostic at all. He made the world and called it good. He came to the world as a baby, completely vulnerable to all the dangers of this world. He experienced the world and the temptations in it. His physical body wasn't evil. He ate, burped, farted, and pooped. His mom probably made sweet treats which he indulged in. Maybe his young teen heart even felt attraction to the girls. His clothes weren't cheap, and he drank wine. He laughed, made jokes, and smiled. He learned a trade, and made friends. He "grew up in favor with God and man." He even cooked fish for his disciples and washed their feet. He fed five thousand people. He turned water into wine--and it was the good stuff--so the wedding party could keep on gettin' down into the night. He was taking care of physical needs, and even wants. And even on the cross, he made sure someone was appointed to take care of his mother (when he told John "this is your mother"). Of course he prayed often. He was exceptionally adept at learning and interpreting scripture and therefore also spent a lot of his time in the temple. He had a vibrant relationship with his heavenly father. He lived an integrated, incarnational life.

You might already see the line of logic leading towards other ideologies we are dealing with now. When you devalue the body, all kinds of other things lose their value and tend towards destruction; things like relationships, marriage, children, family, and even community. When Christians themselves don't even understand the value of these things, they won't be able to stand in the face of these other ideologies which devalue them. These Christians have already laid a foundation for their children to embrace the plethora of ideologies which have come through gnosticism. This is what I will be discussing in Part 2.

Photo by Kaleb Nimz on Unsplash

Being Good Isn't All There Is

"Sometimes being good isn't all there is."

As a teacher of mine once said, "If you think salvation is a second chance at becoming a better person, you've missed the whole point." (Kerry MacRoberts)

If "being good" is the sole focus of your life, then you're not really living, are you?

This central motive of self-improvement is what I believe creates a church culture that "shoots its wounded."

When you are so focused on being better, you are in self-preservation mode. Your reasons for doing good deeds are not because you want to do the deeds, but because you want to be a better person, thus the deeds become obligations. The deed becomes a means to self-gain.

You can become so focused on being better, your reasons for making friends are not for enjoyment of those people, not for love of those people, but for their ability to adhere to the same morals and ultimately to help you do the same. These friendships are not true friendships. They become a means for self-improvement, and the "friend" is expendable. Once their behavior doesn't line up with what you believe to be helpful, or acceptable, you either try to "help" them (as in point out what they're doing wrong, thinking this will somehow fix the behavior. You convince yourself that you are doing this out of love), or if helping them doesn't work, you distance yourself from them (after all, "bad company corrupts good character"). You may still spend time with them for the purposes of hopefully being a good influence in their lives, but you no longer regard this person in the same way. This kind of self-improvement-focused person is difficult for me to be around.

Sure, we're attracted to people who make us better. It's not wrong to want that. We enjoy a person who brings out our best! And that factor plays a role in who we should choose to trust. But love comes first. People who love me because they genuinely enjoy my company and value me as a person, those are my friends. Love that comes from Christ naturally makes us better. And being a better person is merely a byproduct of our relationship with Christ, not the end goal.

This is what many churches do to drug addicts, to divorcees, to people who fail to behave well: they try to fix them and if they can't, they "turn them over to Satan." Now these people are further away from the friends they need to perhaps get through the divorce, or overcome the addiction. It's not accountability they need, it's love. They need empathy and understanding. Instead they are left with abandonment and often a hatred for the church, which translates into a hatred for God.

When I started to fail my ministry friends, what I got was a series of interventions (people reminding me of what I was doing wrong, which I already knew and hated myself for), which ultimately led me to feel worse about myself and fall deeper into the bad behavior. It caused me to distance myself from them. And they distanced themselves from me. I believed "being good" was the goal. This was what I taught in my own ministry. And then I suffered the consequences of that way of thinking. I was hurt and alone with no good friends around me to lean on when I needed them the most.

These are good people doing what they believe is right. I believe they've been taught wrong.

Outsiders of the church--those wounded or rejected by it--see the church as a social club whose conditions for membership is good behavior. This becomes their view of God. They think that in order to be accepted by God, they must meet certain behavioral requirements. We can sing "come as you are" all we want, but our actions speak louder than our words. Secular depictions of God always makes Him seem judgmental and condescending, don't you think? Sure we can blame that view on the Devil's lies, but he did it by lying to the Christians first. They are the ones who garnered this reputation.

Christians who are more passionate about righteousness (good behavior) than they are about people are not like Christ, but more like the Pharisees. Christ was passionate about people despite their sins. He hung out with the sinners. He spent time with the "unclean." He died so that sinners could go to heaven. Christ died to enable us to live free of sin. He doesn't want us to focus on good behavior. Christ couldn't stand it when the Pharisees were proud of their good behavior, because righteousness comes by faith, not by works.

So... If being good isn't all there is, what else there? There's having a relationship with the living God. That means trusting God, getting to to know Him, loving Him and enjoying Him, and loving and enjoying the people that He made. Sure there are right and wrong ways to do that (you're allowed to be picky about who your real friends are), but as we focus on Him, we begin to naturally desire the right things.

2 Corinthians 3:18 says, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." We cannot transform ourselves into that image by our actions. He transforms us as we keep our focus on Him.

Even when we say, "a Christian's ultimate purpose is to love God and love others" do we really believe that? The proof is in our actions.