Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pride of Man

There is a common thought that in order to keep oneself humble, one must be in constant awareness of how sinful one is; to always keep oneself in check, making sure to leave no weakness exposed to temptations, making sure to check motivations, making sure to stay close to God, and making sure to avoid sin. After all, no one is perfect. We are all sinners; "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans)

What if I said that this version of humility is not humility at all?  How?

  1. It is so self-involved, even in its attempts to be selfless, the focus is on the self (trying to be selfless rather than actually being selfless by trying to help others...).

Furthermore, this mindset presupposes that we are somehow capable of keeping ourselves in check and close to God.  It assumes that we have the ability to avoid sin by sheer will. It glorifies our own human will, making righteousness out to be a goal achieved by struggling between two inner natures, the "flesh" (the sinful part) and the "spirit" (the glorified part), and then struggling against the enemy (Satan and his minions).  This is actually a non-Biblical, gnostic worldview that has infiltrated the church [gnostic view = the flesh is evil and the spirit is good.  more on this another time].

Ever heard of the analogy about the two dogs?  I've heard this one used a lot in church; it's a story of two dogs in a fight.  Which one wins?  The one you feed.  And so the application to our lives is that if we feed our minds on garbage (profane music, immoral friendships, worldly television, etc.), our sinful nature wins.  However, if we feed ourselves on righteous things (reading the word, prayer, devotion, worship, etc.), our redeemed nature wins.

I find depths of truth in this analogy, but in the way that it is often used, people tend to focus on the doing part.  It's that attempt at humility by keeping oneself in check by feeding oneself with righteous things so that one can win the battle over the flesh.

It's clear to all of us that the "sinful nature" wins against the "will for holiness" one hundred percent of the time.  "God, give me the desire to desire you!" is a common plea.  And if we've somehow achieved a level of righteousness, after a while we become tired and burnt out.  That's when great men fall (pastors of mega-churches committing adultery, famous evangelists declaring they are homosexual, etc... however, being burnt out is not the only reason men fall).

The motivation here is keeping oneself worthy of God and heaven.  It is an effort to prove oneself worthy of the call.

       2.  Not only is this version of humility self-focused, but sin-focused.

When one has a constant inward focus, especially at the imperfect sinfulness, one falls into condemnation.  And, as I have said before, condemnation is a tactic of Satan used to depress and disqualify the saints (saints = believers).

So what does pride have to do with this?

You've probably guessed by now that I am implying the common view of humility is actually prideful.

True humility is honesty; knowing who you are.  Pride, however, is thinking you are better than you are, or better than others.  And so if one can avoid sin by sheer will, as many believe, then what was the purpose of Jesus' death on the cross?  If mankind is capable of making itself holy by fighting hard enough, and feeding itself with righteous things, then man has no need for a savior.  Man, by his own sheer will, can earn his own salvation.  That, to me, is the epitome of pride.  It is saying that I do not need Jesus.

Our own sheer will becomes an idol* before God. 

It seems backwards to say, as a believer, "I am no longer a sinner."  Doesn't that sound like the most prideful statement?  "What, so all of us here who are trying to stay humble are sinners, yet you are somehow NOT a sinner?  How prideful!  Who does he think he is?!  What an elitist!"  Well, the truth is, the believer who knows he is not a sinner also knows why: Christ made him so by dying on the cross.  He can't take one ounce of credit for it.  He knows that his sinful nature died with Christ, and he has been re-born with a sinless nature.  Yes.  Christ's sacrifice actually is that powerful.  claiming sinlessness is the most humbling claim because it means that Jesus IS his righteousness, and that he is utterly incapable of achieving it apart from Jesus.  It is the epitome of reliance on Christ.  It is true faith that Christ's death has actual power.  It's actually possible to go on without sinning, and it's effortless!  It's effortless because all it takes is knowing the truth.  That's why it's important to renew our minds--to feed on righteous things--because knowing our position with Christ is what keeps us solid.  Knowing who you are is true humility.

Aren't you sick of focusing on all your imperfections?  Well, stop!  Focus on Jesus, who did it all for you.  Aren't you tired of fighting?  Well, stop!  Jesus already fought for you!  What a joyful thought!  What a glorious truth!  What a freeing mindset!  It's like finally coming up above water and breathing air again.  Christ paid for all of your sins: past, present, and future.  You have no sinful nature.  Your "flesh" died when you became a believer.  The only reason why it seems to still exist is because people think it does.  You are NOT schizophrenic, nor do you have multiple personalities.  You are one person, united with Christ in all aspects of your life.

  1. Man is incapable of being righteous
  2. Man is incapable of choosing God
  3. God loves man and wants him to be in union with Him once again, so He makes a way by sending His son to die.
  4. Jesus, being fully man and fully human paid the price for salvation, satisfying God's wrath
  5. God's wrath is satisfied and He is no longer angry at man
  6. God draws man to himself (He is utterly irresistible when he draws you)
  7. Any who are drawn put their trust in and believe in Christ.
  8. Believers have been crucified with Christ; their sinful nature dies, they become united with Christ, and are reborn with a sinless nature.
  9. God's spirit literally dwells in his fullness within the believer
  10. Believers not only have the mind of Christ, but access to all of His authority (heirs to Jesus' throne)
  11. Believers' actions had nothing to do with their salvation (because it was attained by Christ alone) therefore, they cannot lose their salvation based on their actions.  [People argue this point heavily because there are scriptures that can be taken the opposite way, but this is Biblical doctrine.  People also think that by saying we can't lose our salvation, then we are giving license to sin.  A license to sin is merely a misunderstanding of these 11 points.]

Lastly, one who claims sinlessness apart from Christ--that person is more prideful than our humility-chasers.  That person is claiming to be God.  I want to differentiate between that person and one who is completely reliant on the grace that came from Christ's death on the cross.

So there you have it.  True humility is knowing you have a sinless nature through Jesus Christ.

*Martin Luther calls it the "Idol of the Will".  see John Crowder's explanation here


  1. Hi again! (Have you missed me? LOL)
    Seriously, in case you were wondering what happened to me, I spent a significant portion of March traveling out-of-state, helping a friend w/ some personal business. As such, my Internet activity was severely limited. Then, coming home from that, I got hit w/ a stomach bug, which I'm just now getting over. So, I'm just now getting back into what I've missed online recently.

    It's nice to know you're still blogging away. I am very impressed with what I keep seeing here.
    I do want to ask a serious question here, but I know me - I'll rant & ramble a little before ultimately getting to what I want to ask. (You know that by now, too, right? LOL)

    Anyway, I do agree w/ what you're saying about "trying to be selfless" vs "actually going out & doing things for others." My problem is, I'm a loner. I always have been. I am also incredibly generous to my friends. I have often given of myself to the point that I had nothing left for myself, & now, due to multiple circumstances around me, I am literally dependent on others to fill my needs for me. The few friends I have around me have neither time nor energy to "carry me" as it were, so, until I'm fully back on my feet, I spend most of my time alone, at my keyboard, on the Internet, looking for whatever "social time" I can get there. But that's hardly a substitute for face-time out w/ friends.

    My paying job is a freelance PC repair geek. You might think, well, there's my ticket to social time, but it really isn't. Yes, I do have to deal w/ people, but the vast majority of my time is spent dealing w/ the machines themselves, not the owners. And, work is so slow right now, w/ the economy in the toilet, that I'm barely keeping gas in my car for the little bit of work I can get. I haven't had a home church in several years. (I do miss that.) And, some of my friendships, some that I thought would last forever, have withered away in front of me & they have abandoned me for whatever reason. It does get very lonely in my world. Frequently.
    The question I'm ultimately asking is, "What's a loner like me to do?" I have *been* generous & selfless, only to find myself alone at the end of the day. I don't want to sound selfish, but I'm ready to ask, "Where's mine?" Right now, I'm lonely, tired & frustrated, and that's a dangerous combination. You know the saying, "desperate men do desperate things"? Well, I'm not *that* desperate, but I'm not too far off from it.

    (More to follow...)

  2. Where I live, you might call it the "farming district" of a small town. I have very few neighbors. Growing up in my small-town Southern Baptist church, my youth group was a joke. Most of them would rather sit around & socialize, instead of learning about God. And, of course, I usually got left out of the socializing. My youth group never went on any missions trips of any kind & I personally never got invited to go anywhere w/ any of them.

    As I said before in a previous comment, I have never been "happy in my skin." Things involving physical dexterity have always been clumsy & awkward for me. They still are. I mentioned my skin being scarred w/ acne, but I don't think you really understood what I was saying: Any scars on my face can easily be hidden behind a few days of beard. It's my *entire* upper body being severely scarred that has me frustrated. Do an image search for "upper body acne" to see what I'm talking about. Even some of those images don't really do justice to my particular case. A few years ago, a friend asked me what do I consider my best feature. My answer was that this flesh is corrupt & there's nothing "good" about it. And I say that specifically because of the state of my skin. (You probably would, too.)

    Don't get me wrong, I will continue to be generous & selfless, as I am able (whenever that happens,) but for the moment, I'm looking for a little of that back. It's very lonely here. And what am I to do in the meantime?

    In Christ

  3. I too have been burnt out by giving too much of myself to the point of having nothing left. It's a very numbing, empty, and lifeless state to be in. Alas, time taking care of oneself will do the trick! Most people in the religious world call it a sabbatical. Even though I'm in school right now, that's basically what I'm doing. I've just come out of seven years of constant ministry, the last few of which were particularly difficult. But I'm taking it easy, giving myself a light schedule on purpose.

    Anyway, taking care of others is a state that naturally flows out of the heart. And only a heart that is full of God's love is really able to truly love and care for others. The cheerfullest of givers are those who have allowed themselves to receive God's love.

    My point: don't worry about the position you're in. God loves you. He's not watching you thinking, "man, I really wish he would get up and do something for someone else! UGH!" He's more like, "that's my son." and He's smiling.

    The whole point of this blog was not to make anyone feel bad for not doing enough for others, the point is to help you realize that your sinful nature is dead.

    People like to focus on how good or bad they're "doing", and they gauge their relationship with God on that. "Well, I'm not doing what I should be, so God must not be pleased..." but that's not true faith. True faith knows that God's love is unconditional. True faith knows that nothing I do makes a flippin' difference to my salvation, or to God's grace towards me. True faith knows that my righteousness comes from Christ. Literally, Christ has replaced me in God's eyes, so when he sees me, he sees Christ.

    So just brush off every bit of guilt that is trying to creep up on you. That's not from God. Guilt is from Satan. Realize your position in Him. You literally possess all the power and authority of Christ. You are His heir, and you've been seated at the right hand of God. Whoah! That's crazy.

    Besides, you're not alone. You have Christ. Let Him speak to you. He's pretty encouraging!

    No more feeling guilty! It adds nothing good to your life. Seriously. Absolutely nothing...

  4. ...and yes, it is nice to have feedback on my blog again. :) hope your month of travel was awesome!

  5. on a more social note, I can't really give any advice in that area because I don't know you personally. I'd hate to offend you by not understanding your position fully and giving you wrong advice. Ask God what he thinks. He will tell you either through a friend or family member or however you relate to Him.

    It also sounds like you have been down on yourself. Sometimes that can weigh others down and that might be what's pushing people away. Above all, don't allow guilt in! It destroys a person.

  6. I admit, I am a little down right now. I'm not guilty, by any stretch of the imagination. I'm lonely & frustrated & broke. I'm waiting for my situation in life to change, knowing that I myself am powerless to make those changes happen. Certain people around me are of the opinion that I just need to "get up off my butt & do something," yet they fail to understand that I don't have the means to do that. Then they're quick to remind me that it's my own fault for being broke, for spending all my $ instead of saving it so that it would carry me through tough times.

    I know that you don't really know me, & that's ok. God still speaks to me through these anonymous posts (which is kind of the point, right?)
    At the very least, it's nice to have someone listening who's "outside of my circle," so to speak. It's actually a blessing that we don't know each other. As I mentioned before, I could live in your neighborhood & you'd never know it, unless I specifically told you who I am. Maybe one day, we will meet face-to-face & drop the anonymity. We'll see. (But, I promise, you'll never offend me by trying to offer advice. I'm not that petty or sensitive. LOL)

    On a different note (I hope you don't mind me asking,) you've mentioned your husband a time or two. I'm curious about the man who won the heart of such a wonderful, Godly young lady. Who is he? What's he like? (I'm always curious about people - it's part of being a loner. I find myself constantly wondering what life is like on others' shoes.)

    In Christ
