Thursday, September 17, 2015

Stop Posting "Friend Tests" on Facebook

Can we all just stop posting these manipulative posts on Facebook? Can we just stop shaming people for "not caring" to read and respond to our Facebook statuses?

I never respond to these. I could write a whole page about why these are socially unacceptable, but I'm probably making a bigger deal than I should. So you might as well unfriend me now if this is your litmus test for who you deem a worthy friend. 

Here, I'll create one that's worded in a way that is not insinuating. That way, you can still have fun reminiscing while not insulting everyone in the process. You can cut and paste this one: "Hey friends! Post one word to describe how we met! [cut and paste this message as your status so I can post a word for you!]"

Facebook culture drives me insane.